The Cretan paradox [June 22, 2011]


The Cretan Paradox

Un film de Constance Demestihas, Pierre Arragon & Hatem Belhouchette

The cretan diet is THE reference for nutritionists, yet Crete is at the top of the list for obesity and cardio-vascular diseases. This film raises the debate over many paradoxes and confrontation between nutrition system and production system.

Image : Frédéric Molinier Durée : 36 minutes
Infographie : Stéphanie Hernandez Responsables éditoriaux : Vincent Dollé, Hatem Belhouchette et Martine Padilla
Son : Eric Bidart Production : IAMM - Atelier Multimédia

Montage : Fredéric Frankel

© 2011

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